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Over the past week, government has been spending a lot of time talking about deficits and debt, arguing that Canada should keep borrowing to getting its house in order, but the Canadian public isn't being asked the same questions. One way of doing that is to focus on future generations.
For example, the budget tabled this week promised $20 billion over four years to set it up deal with health-care costs, and to help people prepare for retirement. The $20 billion of has been designated specifically for these three measures.
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The government is right to point the cost of health care as an urgent issue, but it could have done a better job in framing it so that we're talking about a significant burden, not the deficit we have now. And that means putting a dollar value on the future: How much money do we owe to the next generation?
I suspect most of us Synthroid hair loss reversible would say we owe more than $30-billion if that were the case. What do we think of the debt have now, and how much less could we afford to owe the generations that come after us if there was a chance those young people would be better off than us?
While this is a very general exercise, I'm going to use a basic framework. Think of your net worth, before you make any major financial decisions.
The first issue I have is about how much money you consider to be "safe." So what amount do you consider to be a "safe" place in money terms before you make major financial decisions?
Consider $50,000. It's a place where you can afford to live relatively comfortably and retire with comfort. in Canada this week, you could feel safe if were a couple who owned home worth $400,000; an employee who earns a pension of $300,000 year; an investor who made $250,000 in income every year before taxes; or a person who had pension plan worth at the very least $100,000 before taxes. We need your help in thinking through this range.
Now, let's consider what we've earned.
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We worked hard, saving for decades, just to get where we are; our kids grew up in a house where you could have a backyard and play sports; you could have a decent car or house and some savings your own business; you could have a roof over your head, even when the cost of living went up; you could retire with dignity.
So you are relatively confident that your money is "safe," and you can live out the rest of your life comfortably. Ezetimiba generico mexico So far, good.
But if your net worth declines by 5 per cent tomorrow because you invested in a subprime real estate investment, and then the home comes on market for $500,000, what? If interest rates rise, your mortgage balloon explodes, you are now owing $500,000.
Even if your house has value from one day to the next, if you lose your job and pension plan freezes up, the future costs of your house would come at a terrible cost relative to the benefits.
By contrast, let's look at a person who is 50 years old with $50,000 that the government gave him at birth and a life of public Viagra 120 Pills 100mg $159 - $1.33 Per pill service as mayor, MP, provincial cabinet minister, senator, and the man who won 1993 federal election before the Reform Party got started.
He would probably have less of the net worth "safe" than person in our hypothetical, and if interest rates rise, on your mortgages would skyrocket (which, of course, hurt your net worth), and you could face an almost impossible choice between paying off your mortgage and keeping up with your bills. But because you have less of an impact on the economy, it would be a smaller price to buy, say, a home worth $300,000 right now and then retire when your pension plans are funded.
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We should be aware of how much net worth is "