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The information on this page can be applied to our: Active Humbucker, & Active Single Coil Pickups.
Our Active pickups use the standard method of wiring for Active Electronics systems. The Black Wire coming from the pickup will have 2 inner wires. A Red or White wire (depending on the model) that is the "Hot Wire", and also a Bare Inner Wire that will be used as a Ground. In addition, the Pickup will have a lone Red Wire, that is used to connect the pickup to the Battery.
Like all active electronics, these pickups require a stereo jack. The extra lug on the jack is for the 9v Battery, so it only drains when you have something plugged into the jack (same way most foot pedals work). You still use your same standard mono cables and whatnot. Also, Active systems require the Ground to Run in a loop. So disconnect your guitar's master ground (usually found at the Clawhook, or on a Bridge Post).
For Active Pickups systems, we recommend using Control Pots rated at 25k. For a Brighter response from your tone control, we recommend using a Tone Capacitor rated at .040µF. And for a Darker response, a Capacitor rated closer to .10µF. It is also recommended that you use only a Alkaline 9v Battery. And only 1 9v Battery is needed to run the whole pickup system (up to 3 pickups).
Here are a few common Wiring Diagrams for this style of Pickup.