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The authors, David Sinclair and Paul Wigley, show, very convincingly, that over many millions of years, at least in a vast portion of our planet's surface, the ocean has become warmer than the air, and a large part of the planet has warmed faster than the atmosphere. This temperature difference is caused by the oceans being "ocean-dwelling" organisms, which use biological reactions and heat exchange between the oceans and air to keep themselves habitable.
The paper notes:
In many regions of the world, land
Finasteride buy nz and sea temperatures have warmed faster than the atmosphere, and large parts of land have warmed faster than the oceans. In last half century, land surface temperatures have risen by over 0.3°C (0.65°F) in most locations globally, and sea surface temperature by a cumulative 2.6°C (4.1°F) since 1850. In addition, sea level has risen by about 7–8 meters in the last 50 years and is projected to rise by ~15 21 meters in the next century (Knutti et al. 2002)." "These observations indicate that the Earth's atmosphere and ocean were, for most of the last half 20th century: (1) the main influence on climate. If so, then the Earth has entered a period of global climate change and, possibly, ocean similar to that described in the Paleoclimate" (Sinclair and Wigley, Science 316, no. 5771, 2 February 2012).
The Science paper highlights some of the other surprising findings:
"Changes in land and ocean temperatures the corresponding sea level contributions were generally larger than expected. These results imply that, on average, each year has warmed (on land) by 1–2 °C generic pharmacy franchise cost and that each ocean basin has warmed by 0.5 °C or more. If this trend continues, by the end of century land surface and sea temperature should each have warmed 2 to 3 °C and the ocean Xenical 120 Pills 120mg $240 - $2 Per pill by up to about 12–14 °C, over many regions of the planet. In a region where land and sea temperatures have only warmed slightly (e.g. on the northeastern United States) sea levels have only warmed by about 0.2–0.3 meters since 1951, which might be sufficient to submerge a city, but which,
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Sinclair and Wigley have a very interesting post up on the Global Warming blog that looks at what would happen had human caused CO2 levels been as high (as is now considered likely) as 400 ppm.
I have never been convinced of the point that all "climate" research is driven by the funding of those who have a vested interest in the outcome;
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__________________ Last edited by darkshadow; May 14th, 2015 at 01:06 AM. A video of a "stalking and harassing" man in Chicago who was caught on camera trying to get his girlfriend do something illegal at a Target store has gone viral.
The video was shot on January 10. In the footage, pair can be seen walking through the store when victim, male in the white t-shirt, tries to
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The victim eventually got his girlfriend's debit card though, and was seen walking behind the victim to get her cash back.
Watch the "aggressive" behavior here:
The man, identified as Jason A. Jones from Chicago, has since admitted to trying rob the store after he caught women at the register, according to Chicago television station WGN.
However, Jones said he got upset when his girlfriend refused to put the money into his account, and when he saw the video of him trying to swipe the customer's card, he claimed was only trying to teach her a lesson and didn't mean any malicious intent.
The situation is rather unfortunate, though we understand the fear and anxiety this woman had in the moment.
[h/t Chicago Tribune]
[Image via YouTube]
>> Follow Andrew Husband (@AndrewHusband) on Twitter
Finasteride and minoxidil buy a tip we should know? tips@mediaite.com It's a truism that, for the right-click menu item in Windows PowerShell, you can take advantage of the System.Management.Automation.PSCredential namespace. But when it comes to enumerating the system accounts, PowerShell just doesn't have nearly as many options you might expect!
How many? I'll give you a hint: "not lot of".
In the early days of PowerShell, I remember there being a lot of excitement about Microsoft's decision to use standard Windows APIs for the various operations: Registry, Get-WMIObject, IQueryable and many more. But that was just the beginning. As PowerShell matured, Microsoft added a lot of useful features via cmdlets such as Get-ComputerName or New-PSSession, and even PowerShell remoting! to that point, Microsoft had a lot of control over what went into PowerShell on the client and what went into it on the server.
Since that time, the PowerShell scripting language has taken on a slightly different personality. In many respects, Windows PowerShell is a completely different engine running on hardware than it did back in the early days when Windows PowerShell's source code was developed. But that doesn't mean you don't have some commonalities.
Take the standard "shell". At its simplest, the shell is simply a command interpreter running on the line. Command Prompt, for example, PowerShell will perform similar commands to the ones you'd perform in Windows Command Prompt (Cmd+C) on a PC. You've already seen them: you can create aliases, run multiple commands in succession, and more. PowerShell 6, the shell, like every Windows Scripting Host program, is also accessible through PowerShell ISE and on the command line. To run PowerShell scripts on the command line, see PowerShell documentation on that topic. The PowerShell ISE can also be accessed through Hyper-V the RemotePSAdd-PSSession switch. But even then, the PowerShell ISE is only available for Hyper-V or KVM guests, so you must run PowerShell Xenical 120 Pills 120mg $240 - $2 Per pill as a remote session on your host running Windows PowerShell.
In terms of system accounts, PowerShell has a much more limited set of options. There is a system account available: system.
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